My work is worship to create the civilize mankind who can nurture themselves for the betterment of their society and the generation. Marching ahead with staunch principles to dispel illusion, ignorance and promoting acquisition of knowledge among masses; we are unfurling the flag of the SARASWATI DEVI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL with dignity and pride.
Our students today are faced with challenges at every turn making it imperative for us to equip them with the skills and capabilities they need to achieve their goals and fulfil their dreams. Our Endeavour, therefore, is to create an environment that facilitates learning which not only promotes intellectual growth but also provides them with the tools they need to become critical thinkers, inspired learners and path breaking innovators.
We do encourage these young budding citizens to rise the society through various campaigns rather than creating insensitive humans. School has taken initiative in the direction by starting meditation at the on set of the day to silence the negative thoughts and build a positive mode.
Being the Principal of such a knowledge scooping and spawning institute, I feel both complacent and elated as well when I discover the young brains yearning to grasp their aspiration with profound endeavor and penance.
In our Endeavour to keep igniting the flame or inquisitiveness, we redefine the learning graph striving hard to make excellence not a skill but an attitude. We are inveterately dedicated to produce holistic learners who can be boon to the society and nation as well.
I look forward to continuing the tradition of collaborative learning with parents as equal stakeholders in the educational journey of our students.
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