SDIS ExperienceSee what sets us apart

Emerging Student Profile (ESP)

We have a vision of the child we aim to graduate and everything in our school is designed around that vision. Emerging Student Profile (ESP) is the vision that Saraswati Devi International School promises. Everything we do in the school strives to achieve this profile for each child. While each child will take a different path to this profile, we run the school with the firm belief that this profile will enable our children to be leaders of the 21st century.

The ESP comprises three essential faculties: life skills, knowledge and core values.

Life Skills

Life Skills are critical for leading life powerfully. Our students emerge out of school with the following life skills. We build life-skills through specially-designed life skills classes, subject-integrated activities and Saraswati Devi International School Olympiad.

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Effective Habits

Our character is a composite of our habits. Saraswati Devi International School have a series of programs and activity systems that build effective habits for life.

Media Literacy

Media literacy develops the ability to analyze, critique and effectively use various media to find more information and make informed decisions.

Aesthetic sense

relating to the science of aesthetics; concerned with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.


Metacognition is the skill of knowing how we learn and our unique styles of learning. This empowers us in removing the hidden barriers to our learning.

Risk Taking

This skill enables making your own decisions at the risk of making a mistake, instead of doing what you are told to by others.


An important goal in education is to foster self-reliance and independence. Self-development plans are used for teaching students to complete tasks.

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